Hello, all Australasian Christian writers.
I hope you’ve had a restful Christmas break, and that you’ve found the time to recharge your batteries.
There’s no doubt Australians have had an emotionally charged Christmas and New Year with the devastating bushfires across most states, and the disastrous fires the subject of news and social media conversation.
Along with the expected outpouring of concern and offers of help, unfortunately the situation also became the catalyst for a massive political fight. Sadly, this unusual situation has strained more than one friendship.
I hope the bulk of our attention during this time can be turned towards being a positive agent of relief and encouragement.
If you are one of our writers from a fire-affected area, please let us know if there is anything you think we can do to help those communities, beyond the obvious praying and giving.
Events in 2020
Our network of leaders in Omega Writers, while in holiday mode, have continued to keep our finger on the pulse of a number of up and coming events in 2020:
- The group in Brisbane are preparing for their annual book fair, coming up in March.
- A small group of us in Adelaide are making some plans to hold an Omega Writers day in early May.
- The Omega Conference Committee have got the conference machine in motion, and I expect we will hear more soon of what’s coming up for our conference on the Gold Coast.
- The 2020 CALEB Awards will be open for entries from 2 March to 30 April.
Meanwhile, Omega members, Cecily Paterson and Penny Reeve, have coordinated an online initiative designed to encourage, motivate and connect Australasian writers over the summer holidays. 2020 Summer Writer’s Refresh has popped up in my daily feed all through January.
We have our bi-monthly management committee meeting in a few weeks’ time, when we will begin to put more body to the skeleton plans already in place.
As we enter into a new work/school/writing year, here is a personal thought from me:
I have a voice and considering I have a well-developed skill in communication in writing, I should be aware that there are other places to share insight, encouragement and ideas other than through the traditional publishing platforms.
Social media is an obvious place to start.
However, given the propensity of users to vent with no thought to how their rant might affect relationships, nor any idea of how their words may be misinterpreted, I encourage patience. Social media is not the place to blow off steam, or take a quick shot. (Well, that is how it is sometimes used, but I recommend against it).
However, we can make thoughtful and considered use of social media. By thoughtful, I personally sit on an idea for days, weeks, months before I put it onto a page. I write when I’m in the heat of the moment, but I write on a closed document.
This writing may end up being completely discarded, or it may become the frame upon which I write something deeper. I have found the less I post, the more likely the post will be read when I finally feel confident to put a thought forward.
You have a voice, but you can do damage by using it without care and thought. I have a saying I go by at the moment:
Wisdom builds the house (read Proverbs 24 1-4)
I pray that each of you enter this year with a courage to persist in the face of difficulties and rejections, a grace to continue to write with passion, and a wisdom to use your voice to build up others.
God bless
Thanks Meredith for the encouragement, and yes I sometimes write thoughts in a closed document, read it over several times making changes: deleting words, sentences and even paragraphs, if it is a long article. And, yes, sometimes it gets discarded altogether. God bless.