A Lighted Lamp: Scenes of Christmas Through Time

A Lighted Lamp: Scenes of Christmas Through Time

Celebrate the true meaning of Christmas in this collection of short stories.

In all times and in all places, it has been universal to humankind to mark the darkest days of the year with a festival striving for the coming of the light. In our own culture, many of us call our midwinter festival Christmas—that great season that celebrates not merely light, but the coming of the Light of the World.

Covering almost a thousand years of history, these scenes take the reader to: Saxon Scotland, Medieval England, Post-Regency England, Pioneer America, Depression Era America, 1970s America, and a contemporary monastery in England. Customs have changed, struggles have varied, but one constant has remained—the season has never failed to bring hope and joy.

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About the Book

In a collection of stories ranging from Scotland a thousand years ago to modern England (with visits to the American prairie in between) Donna Fletcher Crow brings to life the true meaning of Christmas in this faith-filled and heart-warming book.

— Dolores Gordon-Smith, critically acclaimed author of the Jack Haldean Golden Age murder mystery series

This is a unique collection. It contains excerpts from Crow’s previous novels looking at Christmas. Considering her books range from historical to contemporary, you have a nice kaleidoscope of the wintertime holiday from a medieval Scottish castle to celebrations at a modern day monastery. In reading this book, you’ll find different emotions as you visit settings on both sides of the pond. You also feel the anxieties, fears, and dangers faced by the characters as well as the hope, joy, and redemption of Christ’s First Advent on the earth. I really enjoyed these excerpts, and some of them have me interested in reading the whole book.

— Amazon reviewer

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