Blind Ambition

Blind Ambition

Sometimes you have to almost die to discover how you want to live.

It’s AD 114 in the Roman province of Germania Superior, and being a Christian carries a death sentence. Tribune Decimus Lentulus is on the fast track for a stellar political career back in Rome. When he’s robbed, blinded, and left for dead, a young German woman who follows the Way finds him. Valeria knows it’s his duty to have her and her family killed, but she chooses to obey Jesus’s command to love her enemy and takes him home to care for him.

It’s not his miraculous recovery that shakes Decimus to his core. It’s the way they love him like family and their unconcealed love for Jesus. In spite of himself, he falls in love with the Christian woman Rome wants him to kill. Can Valeria hide her faith to follow him into the circles of Roman power? Or should he abandon his ambition to help rule the Empire and choose to follow a different way?

Dangerous times, difficult friendships, lives transformed by forgiveness and love.

Blind Ambition is the second volume in the Light in the Empire series, which follows the interconnected lives of the members of five Roman families during the reigns of Trajan and Hadrian. Each volume can be read stand-alone. The eleven novels of the series will take you around the Empire, from Germania and Britannia to Thracia, Dacia, and Judaea and, of course, to Rome itself.

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About the Book

Very moving and rewarding story, inspirational, so much so that I was moved to tears several times.

— Amazon Reviewer

I am enjoying this series about the early Christians of the Roman Empire. It is obvious that the author has done her homework. The story is rich in historical detail.

— Amazon Reviewer

The deep faith message, the romance the historical details all very good! Just read it, you won’t regret it, it’s great!

— Amazon Reviewer

Series: Light in the Empire, Book 2
Genre: Biblical Fiction
Tag: #CarolAshby
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