Devotional: Passionate about ……… by Keona J Tann

“What are you passionate about?” was the challenge my friend Veronica issued to me. So many ideas and thoughts tumbled around my head that I started to get overwhelmed with my list.I felt I couldn’t possibly share all of the ideas without people thinking I was either crazy or super prideful.But I don’t believe I’m …

Adoption – Part of God’s Divine Plan

As another Mothers’ Day passes us by, whether joyful, sorrowful or a bit of both. My heart and mind turn towards those wonderful people who would take a child into their family and raise them as their own. Prior to the mid-1970s adoption was mandatory for unmarried mothers – a cruel predicament. Many babies were …

Devotional: Prepared and Protected by Keona J Tann

I’m in a strange season. It’s one that I’ve often found confusing and confronting. It’s confusing because its not at all how I planned life to go. I didn’t look at my diary in May 2014 and say: ‘ok I’m going to bed for 28 months, I’m not going to work for the next 4+ …

ANZAC Day | Lest We Forget

Today is ANZAC Day. All around Australia and New Zealand, children and adults will be awake, showered and dressed long before dawn. They’ll drive across town in the dark, hoping to beat the crowds and find a space in the car park at the Returned Services League (Australia) or Returned Services Association (New Zealand). They’re …

Why Good Friday?

Many non-Christians around the world may question as to why we call this day Good Friday. After all, today is a commemoration of the day that Our Lord Jesus was sentenced to death, viciously tortured and nailed to a cross. What on earth could be good about that? But we as Christians know that this …

A Surrendered Life

For some time now I’ve been reflecting upon the Garden of Gethsemane and there is just SO much I could say and unpack, but what really hit me was Jesus-the-surrendered-One. The prayers that Jesus prayed in garden were things like: “My Father! If it is possible, let this cup of suffering be taken away from …

DEVOTIONS: Running to the arms of the Father.

I’m a flawed person. This revelation likely isn’t a surprise to anyone, except maybe my mamma, who happens to think I’m the most amazing woman to ever walk the earth (thanks, Ma!) Like most people, I have many flaws and faults. I’ve said and done things that have left me questioning my own sanity. I’ve …

DEVOTIONAL: Hands and Feet

At the time of writing this blog, I am sitting in a café eating pizza in Chile. I have just finished a huge ministry day with work and am reflecting on all that has happened. This is my first time in Chile and I enjoying taking everything in; the sights and sounds and smells. The …

The Importance of Pruning

Christmas arrived with such a flurry, then just as quickly it was gone for another year. 2018 was drawing to a close. Another year. Where had the time gone? Recently I came across an analogy for finishing something and starting something new. It was suggested that we write down all the things that are bothering …

Productive NOT Busy

My journey with adrenal/chronic fatigue has taught me so much and recently I’ve been reminded to be productive not just busy. I had a dream where I was back at my old workplace and my previous boss was being quite rude and demanding but I maintained my cool and said to God: “this is an …