Depression and Mustard Seed Faith

As I studied each extensive review on the Book Fun Readers Only web page, I fell into a state of humility. A time that felt almost overwhelming. How different would your struggle have been if you had taken your focus off the day-to-day struggle, and considered your situation with a more analytical mind? What would …

Writers Life | Travel and Writing

I get a lot of inspiration from travelling and don’t see myself stopping until health or other circumstances prevent me. When I recently returned from a five-week trip to Norway, Iceland and the UK, quite a few people asked if I wrote while I was away. Umm …. no. When I travel to write, I …

Writers Life | Stepford Stories

“A bird doesn’t sing because it has an answer; it sings because it has a song.” – Maya Angelou The Future of Storytelling Until last week, my niggling concerns for the future of storytelling were contained. Sure, I have anxiously anticipated the loss of the long sentences of Virginia Woolf, the simplified prose of Ernest …

Writer’s Life | Think A Little Deeper

“I hate Shakespeare,” my twelve-year-old son declared this week. “And I hate poetry as well.” His screwed-up face revealed his dislike for both. “Why?” I asked. “Because it’s too hard to understand!” He proceeded to rant about the difficulty in interpreting the language and poetic nature of the Bard’s writing. I listened with interest. He …

Practicalities of writing different genres

I’ve heard it said numerous times, “Don’t switch genres. Every time you do it is like starting all over again.” Yet authors still switch genres, myself included. My experience of writing in different genres (non-fiction and contemporary) I started by writing non-fiction and never dreamed that I would write novels. All of my non-fiction was …

Writers Life | The Story Behind The Story

Today Hannah Currie is our guest talking about the story behind the story. Twenty years ago, I went on my first short term mission trip to an orphanage in Thailand. Ten years ago, I wrote a novel based on it. This week, 15 May 2024, that story is being published. Talk about a journey! But …

Writer’s Life | Working in a Team

Often times we might think that writing is an individual pursuit. Certainly, a large part of the journey is individual: Individual ideas; individual research; individual plotting and character development; individual crafting. But of course, writing that eventually gets from the writer’s head and heart to the reader ideally, should have gone through a process that …

The Writing Life | Starting a Book Club

Starting a bookclub I was introduced to the book club experience back in the mid-1990s when our local cathedral bookstore hired me to lead a book club for them. Since then, I have led and participated in 4 book clubs of very different themes and goals—and enjoyed them all. In spite of the current popularity …