Now I’m no Marie Kondo. Make no mistake. I hold onto things for years, decades, life if they have sentimental value. I’m not a fan of change But clutter does get overwhelming sometimes, so in recent years, I’ve developed a policy: don’t buy junk, and when I move, if something has no sentimental value, get …
Category Archives: Writers Life
Writers Life | Redeeming the Day
This is the day the Lord has made;We will rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24 New King James Version At this time of year, I often find myself wondering where the past year went. The questions keep coming: What did I achieve? How did I allow myself to let the year pass without doing all the things …
Seasons of Writing: Lessons from the Farm
As Solomon wrote in Ecclesiastes, “To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven.” (Ecc. 3:1 NKJV) As I’ve grown older, I’ve seen the truth of that in so many areas of life. Lately, I’ve been pondering my own seasons of writing: where I’ve been as an author, where I am …
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2023 the year of learning….
In 2023 I decided to delve even deeper into my inner healing journey and invited God into ALL areas of my life by asking Him to reveal the areas where I did not trust Him. Trust? This journey really started in late 2022 when I offered to review a new release “The Challenge to Trust …
God Isn’t An Editor, He’s A Creator
Words. They are important to me. I’m sure I’m not the only writer who feels the need for full stops and commas to be in all the right places when sending a ‘quick text.’ Honestly, I drive my family mad. And just to note, my husband has now banned me from watching him when he’s …
My Year in Review
It’s fun to get to the end of the year and look back at what’s gone before. And even though there might be another 16 days of this month, I think it’s good to pause and remind ourselves what has been accomplished, especially when life can be pretty hectic. So here, in no particular order, …
Writers Life | Closet Meringue
At first glance, this middle-aged mother-of-three divorcee may seem a little ordinary. But like the humble onion, I can make your eyes water when I peel the layers away. Don’t be alarmed though, dear writers, my intention is not to horrify. It’s merely to make you teary-eyed with satisfaction for being exactly, unapologetically, no more, …
Writers Life | Learning Through Imagination
I read an interesting meme on Face Book this morning, originally posted by Jennifer Powell. Fiction is fake!? How often have you heard that, or something like it? “I only read true stories.” “Fiction stories are lies.” “I don’t read fiction, I only read the Bible.” I’ve heard all of these at one time or …
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Wednesday Writing Wins
Members of the Beyond the Borders zone of American Christian Fiction Writers have been busy writing and publishing over the last few months … Contest Winners Calor by JJ Fischer won Best Fantasy and Book of the Year at the 2023 Realm Awards. Amy Bryant won The Oxford / Pushkin Children’s Fantasy Prize, for her …
Advantages and Disadvantages of Self-Publishing
My first two non-fiction books were published by traditional publishers: one a smaller Scottish press, and another, a mid-range US publisher. Since those first two books, I’ve self-published eight novels across two series, and two more non-fiction. Why did I switch to self-published? The initial reason was that it was becoming harder and harder to …
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