Writers Life | Just Keep Writing

Just keep swimming.  Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming. What do we do? We swim, swim.  Dory, from Finding Nemo Lately, I’ve found it hard to write. I think about the novels I have in progress and struggle to actually get to my desk and work on them. There’s been a lot going on in our family–a …

Writer’s Inspiration | Exploring the Past

A few weeks ago I was presented with the opportunity to take my daughter to the World Cross Country Championships in Bathurst, NSW. I might’ve grumbled at the time (my other daughter was returning from India that same day and I wanted to know All The Things!) but I went, because I realised this was …

The Writing Life: Inspiration from place

Settings have always been one of the most important aspects of a story to me. I frequently—almost always, even—choose the films I watch or the books I read based on where they are set. I regularly shape my plots around places I want to go for research. Past Travels Come to Life For my current …

Writer’s Life | A View of One’s Own

What does Anno Domini (AD), Virginia Woolf and modern society have in common? Read on to find out. Stereotyping; the bane of our existence By now, we all see the stark reality that only a portion of us is represented in literature. And from that portion, only a portion is represented authentically. As a teacher …

Self-publishing 101

In the last few months, several people have asked me about self-publishing. Each time my mind goes “Eek!” because I’ve spent more than five years learning how to self-publish. It’s not something that can be taught in five minutes. However, the requests have prompted me to begin what is likely to be a continually expanding …

Writing the next story: how to choose the right characters

Does anything satisfy more than writing “The End”?  In my case, it’s writing “Finis” for my Roman-era stories. It’s time for a celebratory cup of tea, a special dinner, a relaxing stroll…and planning the next story. How do we know what that next story should be? The characters, the setting, the plot, the theme…how do …

Devotional: Is the New Year Already Old?

The old year goes out with fanfare. Restaurants create elaborate menus for New Year’s Eve dinners. Shopkeepers dress their windows using party clothes to entice customers to buy their sparkly offerings. Friends and family ask, “What are you doing for New Year’s Eve?” In New York City, crowds stand for hours in Times Square waiting …

Writer’s Life | Boost Your Productivity and Mindfulness with Bullet Journaling

Put up your hand if you’ve heard of Bullet Journaling. I know, right? It’s not a brand new idea. It’s been around for years now. If you go to Pinterest, you’ll find oodles of articles on gorgeous layouts for calendar pages, stickers, and ways to colour code your Bullet Journal. Pinterest I resisted the siren …

Writing Life | Idaho Women’s Statue Brings History to Life

Writing historical novels has made me acutely aware of how truly we walk in the footsteps of those who have gone before us. Without the “prints” left by earlier generations we would know nothing about the struggles and achievements of bygone generations. Nor would we be able to build for the future on their accomplishments. …