DEVOTIONS: Remembering Jesus is our reason for the season

And just like that,  Christmas is only a few sleeps away. Christmas trees are flickering  their bright lights. Tinsel is hung up all over the place and all the old family recipes are being retrieved from drawers to be used on Christmas day. And let’s not forget about the last minute manic Christmas shopping that is happening! Christmas is so close, we can almost taste it! Or in my case, already tasting it as I’ve already tucked into all the Christmas treats (what can I say, food is my love language!) But in the midst of all the excitement and shopping and preparation, we can easily forget that Christmas isn’t just about carols and fruit cake.  It is about remembering that Jesus is our reason for the season.

The reason for the season.

Many call Christmas the silly season, however the true meaning of Christmas is far from silly, because Christmas is when Salvation came to earth in the form of a baby in a manger. And it is at Christmas that we stop and remember what that really means.

It means the birth of the Saviour, Jesus.

It means the One that created Heaven and earth leaving His rightful place in Heaven to come down and walk among those He created.

The fact that Jesus knew that coming down and taking on flesh would be the beginning of a journey that would end in Him dying on a cross while people cast lots over His clothing.

And the reality that Jesus was born for us, so that we could be reconciled with our Father in Heaven and spent eternity with Him.

Remembering that Jesus is our reason for the season.

In the midst of the festivities, let’s stop and remember that Jesus is our reason for the season. And in that, let’s make the time to stop and seek His face; to fix our gaze on the One who loved  enough to come down to earth for us.

I don’t know what Christmas looks like for you, friend. Christmas time is a festive and joyful time but it can also be a difficult time for some. It could be a time of great joy, or a time of great sorrow. You may be excited to gather your loved ones, or dreading spending Christmas alone. Whatever this season looks like for you, can I encourage you to spend time in fellowship with your Saviour. Carve out some intentional time, either alone or with others, to sit at His feet. To seek His face. And thank Him for His great love for you, knowing that His birth on earth was with you in mind.


  • Leila Armstrong

    Leila Armstrong is an Australia based blogger who believes that true joy is found in encountering Christ. Passionate about pointing people to Jesus, Leila shares her faith journey on her blog, Reflections By Leila. Leila and her husband run their own agency, Enriched HR, supporting churches and faith-based not-for-profits, and serving their local community and church. When she isn't writing or working, she can be found with her family or sitting in a cafe drinking coffee and reading a book.

Published by Leila Armstrong

Leila Armstrong is an Australia based blogger who believes that true joy is found in encountering Christ. Passionate about pointing people to Jesus, Leila shares her faith journey on her blog, Reflections By Leila. Leila and her husband run their own agency, Enriched HR, supporting churches and faith-based not-for-profits, and serving their local community and church. When she isn't writing or working, she can be found with her family or sitting in a cafe drinking coffee and reading a book.

2 replies on “DEVOTIONS: Remembering Jesus is our reason for the season”

  1. A lovely reminder, Lays, thank you. My husband and I decided a few years ago to start doing ‘Op shop’ Christmases. This means we get most of our presents for each other second-hand. My husband LOVES op shopping and is amazingly good at it. So this year, he has done almost all our Christmas shopping, and today we’ll take our three children op-shopping for them to buy presents for each other. We’re also having Christmas lunch at a friend’s place this year, as I’ll be spending Christmas Eve in hospital while my daughter has surgery. It is amzing how this year, becuase of these things, my focus has been so much more on the birth of Christ and refelcting on what he has done for us. It’s been a lovely, relaxed lead up to Christmas – perhaps more along the lines of what it should be like.
    A friend on FaceBook recently had a post that said, ‘This year we’re giving each other the present of not buying presents’. Sometimes it is good to step back from all the who-har and shenanigans and just enjoy Christmas what it really is – remembering Jesus’ birth and why He came to earth.

    1. Thanks, Cate! It’s amazing how much the little things can shift our focus and take our attention away from what really matters, which is the birth of Jesus! Praying your daughters surgery goes well and that you and your family have an awe-filled Christmas reflecting on the Saviour! X

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