Amanda Deed discusses her role as the treasurer of Omega Writers, an organisation for Australian and New Zealand Christian Writers. Welcome, Amanda!
How I became the Treasurer…
During the Omega Writers conference in 2015 I learnt that there was a need for a new Treasurer for the Omega Writers organisation. Being a person who loves bookkeeping and accounting, I jumped at the chance. I also thought it would be a good way to keep in touch with other writers and be a part of this fantastic group of people who strive to support other writers.
So I took over the role and I wasn’t disappointed.
I have met some awesome people who are more than writers and colleagues, and I am so impressed with their heart to see other writers succeed. We meet together every two months via Skype to discuss the ongoing vision and purposes of Omega Writers and how to facilitate those purposes.
What does a Treasurer do?
My main role is to keep records of all the income, which is memberships, conference, CALEB and chapter income, and all the expenses. However, I don’t just record the expenses, I am responsible to make sure all the bills are paid on time. I also keep an eye on our cash flow and make sure we are budgeting wisely, in consultation with the other committee members of course. And I am frequently liaising with other committee members on financial matters as they arise. At the end of each financial year, I have our financial reports audited and complete our annual return to the Office of Fair Trading. It may sound like hours and hours of work, but it only averages me about four hours per month.
What next?
I have been in this role for four years now and since Omega office positions are usually only two years, I am overdue for a replacement. So, if you, like me enjoy bookkeeping and accounting and have a love for Aussie and Kiwi writers, then you may be interested to become involved as a Treasurer. For more information, you can contact me at treasurer@omegawriters.org.
So appreciate you and all your hard work, Amanda!
Where would we be without you? Love your work- and love your writing. Hoping to see more from you soon.
Thank you, Amanda, for all your hard work behind the scenes as our Omega Treasurer. 😊
If you enjoy fairy tale retellings, check out Amanda Deed’s books ‘Unnoticed’ and ‘Unhinged’.