Omega Writers | Introducing the Secretaries

Omega Writers
Australasian Christian Writers, as part of our affiliation with Omega Writers as their partner Facebook group, has invited the leaders of Omega Writers to write a series on Omega Writers, who they are and how they operate.

At our last AGM, the committee and members of Omega Writers agreed to split the Secretary role in two. We now have two people sharing the role of Secretary—Judy Rogers as General Secretary, and Carolyn Miller as Minute Secretary.

Judy Rogers, General Secretary

According to our constitution, the Secretary of Omega Writers must live within 65 kms of the Queensland border because Omega started in Queensland. This year we split the role of secretary into minutes secretary and general secretary. This has certainly eased the workload.

I have been secretary for Omega Writers since the March 2015 AGM. It has been a challenge but one I have enjoyed.

Most days see emails arrive in my inbox – questions about membership, questions about passwords, queries about up and coming events, inquiries about liaisons with other groups, and general queries about Omega.

Most of these emails I forward on to the President, our Webmaster, or our Membership Officer. Our team is amazing.

Insurance documents need to be read, printed out, filled in each year and scanned back to the Insurance broker each year. This year I need only print and fill in and scan 26 pages. Most answers don’t need changing. Last year when we were setting up our more comprehensive policy, it took far longer. Fortunately our broker is always ready to help on the other end of the phone.

I have my name registered with the ATO and the Australian Business Register. This is just a formality for contact details for the organisation.

Before the AGM, I receive and complete forms with the treasurer for the financial review as required by the Associations Incorporation act. Again this is not difficult and requires mainly just a signature.
The role of secretary is not a difficult one. It’s challenging at times but very rewarding.

Carolyn Miller, Minute Secretary

The role of the Omega Committee Secretary is two-fold. The Minute Secretary has the job of recording the regular meetings of the Omega committee, which is held on an evening via Skype once every two months. This involves recording the attendance of committee members, recording proposed motions and actions that need follow up. Due to the nature of Skype and occasionally patchy reception, sometimes this means members need to state who they are, and repeat certain proposals etc to ensure matters are recorded correctly.

Organisation of how the minutes are recorded means it is not necessarily an arduous role – provided the meeting runs (mostly) according to the agenda! I’ve found if I’m keeping a close ‘ear’ on proceedings, then I can tweak a few things and have the minutes sent on that evening to the president for checking over and distribution, so it doesn’t eat into a great deal of time.

The minute secretary also has the role of taking the minutes during the AGM at the Omega Conference, which means recording the main points discussed and what motions are put forth, seconded and passed. If you’re someone who likes order (and can hear well!) then this is an easy way to help contribute to the behind-the-scenes work of Omega Writers.

Thank you , Judy and Carolyn! It’s great to know more about your roles, and to know Meredith Resce was right when she said “many hands make light work.”

If you’re interested in volunteering with Omega Writers, then click here to contact Omega Writers, or attend our AGM (which is part of the Omega Writers Conference).


  • Iola Goulton @iolagoulton

    Iola Goulton is a New Zealand book reviewer, freelance editor, and author, writing contemporary Christian romance with a Kiwi twist. Iola lives in the beautiful Bay of Plenty in New Zealand (not far from Hobbiton) with her husband, two teenagers and one cat.

Published by Iola Goulton @iolagoulton

Iola Goulton is a New Zealand book reviewer, freelance editor, and author, writing contemporary Christian romance with a Kiwi twist. Iola lives in the beautiful Bay of Plenty in New Zealand (not far from Hobbiton) with her husband, two teenagers and one cat.

3 replies on “Omega Writers | Introducing the Secretaries”

  1. This is very interesting. Thank you for sharing. God Bless you all.

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