Omega Writers announce the 2019 CALEB Award Winners

(and the venue for our 2020 Conference!) The 2019 Omega Writers Conference took place over the weekend, with 96 attendees from all over Australia and New Zealand. The conference included announcing the winners of the 2019 CALEB Awards. Picture Book Sponsored by Simon Malcolm Productions. The winner was Lily’s Balloon, written by Katrina Roe and illustrated …

Fiction Friday – Love And Other Mistakes by Jessica Kate

It's Fiction Friday! Today I'm sharing my book recommendation for Love and Other Mistakes by Aussie author Jessica Kate. Here's the Book Description: Natalie Groves once had big dreams. But soon after her fiancé, Jeremy Walters, inexplicably broke off their engagement and left town, her father was diagnosed with cancer. Now tasked with keeping her family afloat, …

Omega Writer’s Conference | Tips for Packing for a Writing Conference

One sleep until conference! That means … today is packing day. I've done a lot of travelling over the years, both alone (for writer's conferences or business) or with my family. Here are my top tips for packing for a writing conference: 1. Plan Ahead You don't want to get to the airport and discover …

Exploring Genre | Writing Memoir with Cecily Patterson

Memoir is one of my favourite genres to read, and I’m in good company, it seems. I did a quick google search for ‘best selling Australian books 2019’ as I wrote this article, and unsurprisingly, the first three books I saw were memoirs. The right memoir can do exceptionally well. Elizabeth Gilbert sold over four …

Tuesday Book Chat | What would you like to see less of in Christian fiction?

It's Iola here. Welcome to our Australasian Christian Writers Tuesday Book Chat, where we encourage book lovers to answer our bookish question of the week. Today's question is: What themes, topics or genres would you like to see less of in Christian fiction? Why? We look forward to hearing your thoughts. Please join in the …

Introducing Sunrise Publishing (and a Call for Submissions)

Sunrise Publishing is the latest initiative from bestselling and award-winning author Susan May Warren, partnering  with Lindsay Harrel. The two authors conducted a Facebook Live presentation on 30 September (well, 1 October New Zealand time) sharing the story behind the new collaboration, and announcing their submissions process. Sunrise are currently open to submissions from US …

Tuesday Book Chat | What would you like to see more of in Christian fiction?

It's Iola here. Welcome to our Australasian Christian Writers Tuesday Book Chat, where we encourage book lovers to answer our bookish question of the week. Today's question is: What themes, topics or genres would you like to see more of in Christian fiction? Why? We look forward to hearing your thoughts. Please join in the …

Love Keeps No Record Of Wrongs (part 2) by Keona J Tann

In my previous devotion I shared that when we repent and ask for forgiveness God wipes the slate clean and remembers our sin no more, for God’s love keeps NO record of wrongs! You can read the full devotion here. I pray that you can grasp hold of the fact that Father God’s heart is full …

6 Tips for Improving Your Writing Craft Without Attending a Conference

It's almost conference time! Today I'm resharing a post I originally wrote last year, for those of you who can't join us at the 2019 Omega Writer's Conference in Sydney from 11 to 13 October. Can't make it to conference? Does this mean you miss out on the opportunity to learn, to upskill yourself? Not …

Tuesday Book Chat | Where would you like to visit in a novel?

Welcome to the Australasian Christian Writers Tuesday Book Chat, where we encourage book lovers to answer our bookish question of the week. Today’s question is: Where would you like to visit in a novel? We look forward to hearing your thoughts. Please join in the conversation in a comment on this post or in a …