God loves us as He finds us, just as we are. Have you ever found yourself listening to a song only to have the lyrics take your breath away? When lyrics hit home so deeply that you feel like someone has taken your journal and turned it into a song? The other day as I …
Fiction Friday | Getting to know Christine Dillon
Today for Fiction Friday we are getting to know Christine Dillon. Christine Dillon is our guest on the blog today. Thanks Christine for taking the time to tell us a little more about you and your new book. 1. Can you tell us a little about yourself? I’m Australian (but also with Kiwi blood and …
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Cover Reveal | Carry Me Away by Dorothy Adamek
I've been wanting to read Carry Me Away since I met Dorothy Adamek and she told me the incredible true story of two survivors of an Australian shipwreck. Yes, that's the inspiration behind this historical romance, the long-awaited sequel to Carry Me Home. And it's almost here! Carry Me Away releases on 5 November 2019. …
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Give it, Give it all, Give it now.
Cautious, compliant writing is not only boring to read it’s boring to write. Our job as writers is to stimulate and engage our readers to not only believe what we’ve written, but to persuade them to think differently. In Annie Dillard’s book, The writing life, she’s says this, “One of the things I know …
Tuesday Book Chat | Do you read diverse Christian fiction? How do you define diverse?
Welcome to the Australasian Christian Writers Tuesday Book Chat, where we encourage book lovers to answer our bookish question of the week. Today’s question is: Do you read diverse Christian fiction? How do you define diverse? We look forward to hearing your thoughts. Please join in the conversation in a comment on this post or …
Omega Writers | Alone with your writing, together with friends
Today we have a guest post from Raewyn Elsegood, the ever-smiling coordinator of the Omega Writer's Conference. Raewyn has additional motivation to sign up for this year's conference. In a world gone crazy with digital connection we are spending more time in isolation than ever before. A US Bureau of Labor Statistics Time Use Survey …
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Tuesday Book Chat | Do you prefer city, town, or country settings? Why?
It's Iola here. Welcome to our Australasian Christian Writers Tuesday Book Chat, where we encourage book lovers to answer our bookish question of the week. Today's question is: Do you prefer city, town, or country settings? Why? I don't think I have a preference. I enjoy city, town and country settings. I'm usually more interested …
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New Releases | September with Gift Card Winner
Welcome to September's Latest releases. Congratulations to all who have a new release. The winner of our monthly gift voucher will be announced at the end of the post. Through the Eyes of Love by Crystal Owens (Publisher B.O.Y (Otescia Johnson), Release date 17 September 2019) Crystal Owens had a remarkable experience with God that …
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HIDDEN THORNS – A True Story by Marie-Rose Fox
About the book No one ever fully recovers from the death of a child. Marie-Rose Fox wanted to be someone who was happy—not hiding from the world, or bitter and angry. She knew that forgiveness was the way to peace, but how could she ever forgive her daughter’s murderer? Though the murder was violent and …
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Hope For Tomorrow
Humans need hope. Hope is some extraordinary spiritual grace that God gives us to control our fears, not to oust them. Vincent McNabb Today is all we have. There are no guarantees for tomorrow. While that is true, we also need hope that tomorrow can be better. Hope is found in the idea that …