#ThrowbackThursday | What’s the difference between traditional publishing, self publishing and independent (indie) publishing?

Welcome to Throwback Thursday! We’ve dug into our blog archives for hidden treasures and words of wisdom. Here’s a list of blog posts you may find helpful. https://australasianchristianwriters.com/paths-to-publishing-trade-publishing/ https://australasianchristianwriters.com/small-presses/ https://australasianchristianwriters.com/self-publishing/ https://australasianchristianwriters.com/self-publishing-2/ https://australasianchristianwriters.com/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-self-publishing/ https://australasianchristianwriters.com/help-where-should-i-spend-my-time-at-my-stage-in-the-writing-journey/ https://australasianchristianwriters.com/two-ways-to-publish/ https://australasianchristianwriters.com/throwback-thursday-publishing-options-in-australia/ Please leave a comment if you have any thoughts or questions. We’d love to hear from you!

Throwback Thursday | Publishing Options in Australia

What if I told you that publishing options were right under your nose? During my BA in Professional Writing, I was given both encouragement and preparation for the blatant reality: getting published in Australia is not easy. The competitiveness of the field was clear to me the moment I peeked outside the classroom. While rejection …