DEVOTIONS: The Purpose is His Glory

What is the purpose of this, Lord? The other morning as I was driving I was listening to Rend Collectives song Live Alive. As I listening and hummed along to a song I've heard countless times before, one line captured my attention: There's a purpose in the furnace flame. This one line held my attention …

Tuesday Book Chat | Do You Know Any Christian Books That Feature More Exotic Animals as Pets?

Welcome to the Australasian Christian Writers Tuesday Book Chat. This is where we encourage book lovers to answer our bookish question of the week. Today’s question is: Do you know any Christian books that feature more exotic animals as pets? We look forward to hearing your thoughts. Please join in the conversation by commenting on …

Omega Writers | Five Tips for Dealing With Feedback

Omega Writers have recently announced the finalists in the 2020 CALEB Award. The finalists had a week to revise their entries based on the first-round feedback, and submit their full manuscript. These are now with the final-round judges, and we will announce the winners in October. Those who didn't final will also receive the feedback …

Throwback Thursday | Two Ways to Publish (and One Way Not to Publish)

There are basically two ways to publish a book: You can hire people to help you publish your book. Or you can pursue a publishing contract. What you shouldn't do is sign a contract with a "self-publisher". 1. Hire Help Savvy self publishing authors do hire people to help, especially editors and cover designers. None …

Tuesday Book Chat | Do You Know Any Christian Books That Feature Farms or Horses or Other Farm Animals?

Welcome to the Australasian Christian Writers Tuesday Book Chat. This is where we encourage book lovers to answer our bookish question of the week. Today’s question is: Do you know any Christian books that feature farms or horses or other farm animals? We look forward to hearing your thoughts. Please join in the conversation by …

New Releases | August 2020 Releases With Gift Card Winner

Welcome to August new releases. Congratulations to all with a new release. The winner of July’s gift card will be announced at the end of the post. Sword Fighting: Applying God's word to win the battle for our mind  by Christine Dillon (Publisher: Links in the Chain Press, Release date 18 July 2020) Do you …

Omega Writers Announce the 2020 CALEB Award Finalists

Like so much of what has happened this year, the 2020 CALEB Award hasn’t gone according to plan. Our past practice has been to have a combination of published and unpublished categories in the Award each year, and to announce the winners at the annual Omega Writers Conference. Well, between fires, disease, and murder hornets, …

Book Chat | Do You Know Any Christian Books That Feature Cats?

Welcome to the Australasian Christian Writers Tuesday Book Chat. This is where we encourage book lovers to answer our bookish question of the week. Today’s question is: Do you know any Christian books that feature cats? We look forward to hearing your thoughts. Please join in the conversation by commenting on this post or on …

The Days Drag On….. by Keona J. Tann

Early May 2020, I’ve been battling either: Inspiration vs abilityorAbility vs inspiration I was trying to work on a few pieces of writing that have been brewing away, but it just wasn’t flowing and I was getting SO frustrated. I decided to make notes to at least capture my train of thought and then just …