Merry Christmas from Australia’s Christian Writers Network

A word from Meredith Resce, Acting President of Omega Writers Omega Writers: Australia’s Christian Writers Network has had a wonderful year––full of activities, successes and a few challenges. I want to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to the Omega Writers management team who have worked tirelessly around their own day jobs and family …

Writers Life | Learning Through Imagination

I read an interesting meme on Face Book this morning, originally posted by Jennifer Powell. Fiction is fake!? How often have you heard that, or something like it? “I only read true stories.” “Fiction stories are lies.” “I don’t read fiction, I only read the Bible.” I’ve heard all of these at one time or …

A Non-anxious presence

A non-anxious presence. This little phrase stood out to me from amongst a load of inspiring information presented recently at an education conference. A non-anxious presence particularly in a world that seems to be plagued with anxiety, fear, shame, uncertainty, confusion. I pondered on this phrase, and other words that had rung bells from the …

The Value of Writing Retreats

Have you ever been on a writer’s retreat? I’ve been on eight, so there must be something that keeps bringing me back. Is it the time to write? The networking? The input and mentoring? The fun and fellowship? The pool? Well, it’s all of those and more. What is a Writer’s Retreat? A writer’s retreat …

Book Review | The Ocean Between Us by Meredith Resce

Today I am reviewing Meredith Resce’s new release The Ocean Between Us. Blurb Alanah, has set off on a trip of a lifetime. Her best friend from high school, Sasha Kennedy, has invited her to Trinity Lakes, Washington State, to be part of her wedding party. South Australia to Trinity Lakes is literally the other …

New Releases | March New Releases and Giveaway Winners

Welcome to a March’s new releases. Today we have 1 new release this month. Congratulations. Check at the end to see if you were one of our winners for February. The Ocean Between Us by Meredith Resce (Release date | 28 March 2023) Alanah, has set off on a trip of a lifetime. Her best …

Tuesday Book Chat | Does it Confuse You When Authors Use The Same Name to Write in Different Genres?

Welcome to Tuesday Book Chat. This is where we encourage book lovers to answer our bookish question of the week. Today’s question is: Does it confuse you when authors use the same name to write in different genres? We look forward to hearing your thoughts. Please join in the conversation by commenting on this post …

Writers Life | A visit to America – in my head

For many years (24 to be exact) I have written Christian fiction based mostly in Australia. I’m Australian, so it makes sense to write what you know, or at least where you know. I had a short adventure living in the UK for a year in 2008, and during that time I was inspired to …

New Releases | October 2022 New Releases and Giveaway Winners

Welcome to a October’s new releases. Today we have 4 new releases this month. Congratulations. Check at the end to see if you were winner in September. The Dawning of Peace of Dreamers and Designers by Donna Fletcher Crow Publisher: Verity Press (Released: August 23, 2022) The stunning conclusion to The Celtic Cross series. In …

Omega Writers Presents the 2022 CALEB Award Winners

The winners of the 2022 CALEB Awards were announced on 8 October at the Omega Writer’s Conference. The conference was held at Peppers Kingscliff, New South Wales. The awards dinner was livestreamed in three parts. Click here to watch Penny Reeve welcome members, and Jo Wanmer share about her CALEB win. Unpublished Manuscripts Click here …