Omega Writers | Five Tips for Dealing With Feedback

Omega Writers have recently announced the finalists in the 2020 CALEB Award. The finalists had a week to revise their entries based on the first-round feedback, and submit their full manuscript. These are now with the final-round judges, and we will announce the winners in October. Those who didn’t final will also receive the feedback …

Omega Writers Announce the 2020 CALEB Award Finalists

Like so much of what has happened this year, the 2020 CALEB Award hasn’t gone according to plan. Our past practice has been to have a combination of published and unpublished categories in the Award each year, and to announce the winners at the annual Omega Writers Conference. Well, between fires, disease, and murder hornets, …

Omega Writers Update | Introducing the 2020 CALEB Award

Last year, I announced the proposed schedule for the CALEB Awards—a plan for how the awards would run in the future. Well, we all know what they say about the best-laid plans … The current COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdowns and international travel restrictions have changed many plans, including the following Omega events: The South …

News from Omega Writers: 2020 Conference, CALEB Award, and SA Writer’s Day

Here’s the news from Omega Writers: South Australian Omega Writer’s Day The South Australian members of Omega Writers are planning their first meetup on 2 May. Christy Award-winning author David Rawlings will be speaking, along with James Cooper, who coordinates the Tabor College creative writing programme. Time: 9am – 4pm, 2 May 2020 Location: Edwardstown …

Omega Writers | Welcome to 2020 from Meredith Resce

Hello, all Australasian Christian writers. I hope you’ve had a restful Christmas break, and that you’ve found the time to recharge your batteries. There’s no doubt Australians have had an emotionally charged Christmas and New Year with the devastating bushfires across most states, and the disastrous fires the subject of news and social media conversation. …

Omega Writers | Introducing the Treasurer

Amanda Deed discusses her role as the treasurer of Omega Writers, an organisation for Australian and New Zealand Christian Writers. Welcome, Amanda! How I became the Treasurer… During the Omega Writers conference in 2015 I learnt that there was a need for a new Treasurer for the Omega Writers organisation. Being a person who loves …

Omega Writer’s Conference | Tips for Packing for a Writing Conference

One sleep until conference! That means … today is packing day. I’ve done a lot of travelling over the years, both alone (for writer’s conferences or business) or with my family. Here are my top tips for packing for a writing conference: 1. Plan Ahead You don’t want to get to the airport and discover …

Omega Writers | Alone with your writing, together with friends

Today we have a guest post from Raewyn Elsegood, the ever-smiling coordinator of the Omega Writer’s Conference. Raewyn has additional motivation to sign up for this year’s conference. In a world gone crazy with digital connection we are spending more time in isolation than ever before.  A US Bureau of Labor Statistics Time Use Survey …

Omega Writers | The Hub at the Omega Writers’ Conference 2019

If you’re planning to attend this year’s Omega Writers’ Conference don’t forget to make the most of the opportunities available. Not only are there going to be some fantastic Keynote Talks, Workshops and a Bookstall but there is also an incredible chance to get some professional input on your writing at The Hub! ‘What is …

Omega Writers | Announcing the 2019 CALEB Finalists

The results are in! The books have been read. The score sheets have been completed. The scores have been totalled, and Omega Writers are delighted to announce the finalists for the 2019 CALEB Award. First, a big thank you to our first-round judges. No writing contest can operate without judges, and we appreciate the time …