#ThrowbackThursday | What’s the difference between traditional publishing, self publishing and independent (indie) publishing?

Welcome to Throwback Thursday! We’ve dug into our blog archives for hidden treasures and words of wisdom. Here’s a list of blog posts you may find helpful. https://australasianchristianwriters.com/paths-to-publishing-trade-publishing/ https://australasianchristianwriters.com/small-presses/ https://australasianchristianwriters.com/self-publishing/ https://australasianchristianwriters.com/self-publishing-2/ https://australasianchristianwriters.com/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-self-publishing/ https://australasianchristianwriters.com/help-where-should-i-spend-my-time-at-my-stage-in-the-writing-journey/ https://australasianchristianwriters.com/two-ways-to-publish/ https://australasianchristianwriters.com/throwback-thursday-publishing-options-in-australia/ Please leave a comment if you have any thoughts or questions. We’d love to hear from you!

Throwback Thursday | Two Ways to Publish (and One Way Not to Publish)

There are basically two ways to publish a book: You can hire people to help you publish your book. Or you can pursue a publishing contract. What you shouldn’t do is sign a contract with a “self-publisher”. 1. Hire Help Savvy self publishing authors do hire people to help, especially editors and cover designers. None …

Paths to Publishing: Small Presses

Last week I talked about traditional publishing, focusing on large publishers. This week I’m looking at another area of traditional publishing: the small press. Small presses and micropresses follow the same business principles as the major traditional publishers. Small presses take on the full financial responsibility for publishing and distributing the book, although you’re less …