Tuesday Book Chat | What’s Your Favourite Bookish Accessory?

Welcome to Tuesday Book Chat. This is where we encourage book lovers to answer our bookish question of the week.

Today’s question is:

What’s your favourite bookish accessory?

We look forward to hearing your thoughts. Please join in the conversation by commenting on this post or on the blog post shared in our Australasian Christian Writers Facebook Group.

Let’s chat!

Not really sure. I did get a tote bag at Monticello home of Thomas Jefferson when I was visiting America. It has one of his quotes one it. “I cannot live without books” I loved the bag and would take it shopping but sadly the seems split.  The other while not really an accessory is a cushion of old books in a library with a cat on it.

Your turn.

I look forward to reading your comments here or at the FB group. I will be late replying as have a trip to the city today.

[bctt tweet=”What’s your favourite bookish accessory? Lets chat” username=”acwriters”]

And don’t forget: if you’d like to participate in our weekly Book Chat by posting the question and your answer on your blog, drop us an email via our Contact page and we’ll send you the list of questions for 2021.


  • Jenny Blake @ausjenny

    Jenny Blake (Ausjenny) is a cricket fanatic who loves reading although not reading as much as she use to. She loves to be able to help promote good Christian books and support authors. In her spare time she is enjoying the company of her two cats, enjoys jigsaws and watching cricket.

Published by Jenny Blake @ausjenny

Jenny Blake (Ausjenny) is a cricket fanatic who loves reading although not reading as much as she use to. She loves to be able to help promote good Christian books and support authors. In her spare time she is enjoying the company of her two cats, enjoys jigsaws and watching cricket.

6 replies on “Tuesday Book Chat | What’s Your Favourite Bookish Accessory?”

    Can’t go without them and I’ve been collecting them since I was a kid!
    It bugs me so much when corners are folded over or books are put face down with pages open. (Also an occupational hazard thing now that I work as a library assistant.)

    1. I understand about dog ears or people breaking spines putting them face down.

  2. A pillow to sit my book on. The one I usually use was given to me by my grandmother when I got married.

  3. I read mostly in an armchair in the lounge. When I have to put the book down it usually sits on the arm of the chair till I can get back to it. I have a lot of my reading on kindle now, and that is either in the lounge chair or in bed when the light is out at night!

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