Ten Ways to Build a Writing Habit 

Can one tiny change transform your life? It’s unlikely you would say so. But what if you made another? And another? And another? At some point, you will have to admit that your life was transformed by one small change. James Clear One of the biggest questions I get from beginner writers is, ‘How do …

Marketing a Book in a Pandemic and Beyond

Becoming a debut author is a shared time of triumph and worry. This book baby is finally going to be out in the world! Yes!!! But then come all the what ifs and questions . . . Will it sell well? Receive great reviews? Secure attention from influencers and media? Land in-person book signings and …

Guest Post | Bite-Sized Romance by Milla Holt

Today we welcome Milla Holt to our blog. Milla is part of the seven author boxset: Love, Faith and Tender Kisses. Do you enjoy short fiction? What about massive door stopper novels? Perhaps you’re like me and appreciate stories of any length. Depending on my mood, I sometimes want a bite-sized story I can read …

Writer’s Life | Doting the Dragon’s Eye in our Faith Writing

I wear a hijab every weekday and I’m a Catholic. Working in an Islamic school has taught me about the Quran. As a teacher who has spent the last 12 years working for organisations founded on Catholic, Orthodox, Buddhist and now Islamic beliefs, I have learnt that faith is faith. We all believe in love, …

It’s a Frame-up: The What and Why of Frame Novels

An article on the frame novel is especially appropriate for Australasian writers and readers because it was the English-Australasian writer Nevil Shute that introduced me to the style. Although the technique is considered “out of fashion” today, I still find it can help add interest to a read and serve as a useful device for …

In Defence of the ‘Light’ Read

When I was nineteen, I read the The Footsteps of Anne Frank by Ernst Schnabel. This follow-up to the famous diary gives more of the background about the people who helped to hide Anne and her family, what happened on the night the Gestapo found their hiding place, and the events leading up to Anne’s …

Omega Writers | Call for Judges for 2022 CALEB Award

 It Takes a Village to Publish a Novel One of the many myths about writing and writers is that we work alone. We sit in our attic room, scratching away for weeks and months and years, and eventually produce a work of staggering genius that has the publishers beating a path to our door, each one …

Don’t Let Your Dogged Determination Get Derailed.

So, you’ve answered the call to adventure, you stepped out in faith, and you’ve told fear to go take a hike. But the steep and winding path toward your dream that was lit up in the first few steps so you could read each signpost now seems to have suddenly gone dark and you feel …

When I Woke Up – Part 2

Two weeks ago, I talked about the new ‘Woke’ phenomenon, and asked you about addressing non-conservative, controversial issues within Christian Fiction. Your response was immediate and it seems that this subject is stirring in many hearts. This time, I wanted to talk specifically about one issue that has always been controversial to me. When I …

When I Woke Up.

[1] “When I wake up, well I know I’m gonna be…”[2] These are the opening lyrics to a famous, catchy song by the Proclaimers. Gonna be? For me, the question is, gonna be what when I wake up? Well, I did wake up, and the world I’m living in is looking less and less familiar. …