Cleaning out the moldy titles? Are you a fan?

Who would have thunk? We are all aware that bread, milk and cheese have a use by date. Are there any readers, like me, who ignore use by dates? Does anyone else do a sniff test to see if the product really is no good for consumption?  I’ve been known to cut mold from the …

A New Decade

What I’m learning is that you have to stop doing a whole lot of things to learn what it is that you really love, who it is you really are. What does matter is, does it feel congruent with how God made me and called me? Shauna Niequist Take yourself back ten years in time. …

The Ripple Effect: Shaping the River into Words.

“My heart bursts its banks, spilling beauty and goodness. I pour it out in a poem to the king, shaping the river into words.” Psalm 45:1 (MSG) Words, words, words they are everywhere and as writers’ words shape what we want to communicate to other people, like a river bending and flowing words come from …

Stories of Life: Celebrating Excellence in Wordsmith Worship

We’re delighted that Stories of Life, as a writing competition and publishing platform, is gaining traction. This year we’ve seen an increase in entries overall, most noticeably in the youth category. We also received more international entries and our title story, Papa’s Shoes, is from Valmai Redhead, who lives in New Zealand. In some way, …

Fiction Friday | Synapse by Steven James

Synapse is a difficult novel to review. Parts were excellent. Parts were not excellent. And parts were downright weird. Let’s start with what I thought was excellent. Synapse is set in the future—2037. Humanoid robots are commonplace, as are the Purists, terrorists who seek to destroy the Artificials before Artificials destroy humanity (a valid concern …

6 Tips for Improving Your Writing Craft Without Attending a Conference

It’s almost conference time! Today I’m resharing a post I originally wrote last year, for those of you who can’t join us at the 2019 Omega Writer’s Conference in Sydney from 11 to 13 October. Can’t make it to conference? Does this mean you miss out on the opportunity to learn, to upskill yourself? Not …

Hope For Tomorrow

Humans need hope. Hope is some extraordinary spiritual grace that God gives us to control our fears, not to oust them.   Vincent McNabb Today is all we have. There are no guarantees for tomorrow. While that is true, we also need hope that tomorrow can be better. Hope is found in the idea that …

Love Keeps No Record of Wrongs , a devotion by Keona J Tann

Mistakes, ugh, we’ve all made them. The thing that I find is that the enemy loves to remind us of the things we’ve done wrong. In the past reliving my most silly, stupid, embarrassing and awful moments would send me into a tailspin of condemnation, shame and deep regret. My failures and mistakes used to …