⏰ Omega Conference 2024 — Early bird price ends 30 April! ⏰ Don’t miss out. Lock in the best possible price for Australia’s premier conference for Christian Writers. Our 2024 conference price features more value than ever before, with accommodation, meals, the CALEB awards dinner, lecture, workshop and networking sessions included in the price! We …

Writer’s Life | Conscious Unplugging

There’s a lot of noise in the world. Since the evolution of television, computers, and mobile phones there’s been a gradual increase in the inputs into our lives.  Most authors write on devices that are connected to the outside world. This portal tempts us to dive out of the world of our writing and into …

Reflections on a Decade of Writing Fiction: How It All Began

What is the inspiration that started you writing? Have you been a storyteller since your youth, or did you write your first novel as an older adult with many years of life perspective? How does our history influence the kind of stories that play in our minds before we turn them into words on screen …

Fizzle, Fade, Or Flourish?

Have you started something this year that has stretched your faith? However, despite you’re brave moves and best efforts you’re discovering it’s fading fast rather than flourishing. I get it. I see what once ignited your enthusiasm has now suddenly fizzled out leaving you with no confidence. Now you’re wondering if you’ve made a mistake …

Direct sales – how to get started

What are direct sales? First of all, let me be clear that we are talking about an online store. It usually sells ebooks first but may include audio books, subscriptions, courses, and link with print-on-demand stores to sell print books. If you have decided to be exclusive to Amazon through their Kindle Unlimited exclusivity programme, …

Writer’s Life | The Inspiration of Imperfection

It is the happiest of times. It is the saddest of times. It Is a period of genius. It is a period of ignorance. We are the epitome of empathy. We are a disgrace of indifference. It is a decade of growth. It is a time of regression. We are the enforcers of justice. We …

Facebook Groups to Hang Out In (for Authors and Readers)

Hi, Dienece Darling here. Today, I’m sharing some of the Facebook Groups I like to hang out in as both a reader and a writer. Let’s face it. Readers need authors and authors need readers, but we can’t all live in a bookstore for the rest of our lives (such a pity.) This forces us …

Writer’s Life | Clutter that Overwhelms

Now I’m no Marie Kondo. Make no mistake. I hold onto things for years, decades, life if they have sentimental value. I’m not a fan of change But clutter does get overwhelming sometimes, so in recent years, I’ve developed a policy: don’t buy junk, and when I move, if something has no sentimental value, get …

Writers Life | Redeeming the Day

This is the day the Lord has made;We will rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24 New King James Version At this time of year, I often find myself wondering where the past year went. The questions keep coming: What did I achieve? How did I allow myself to let the year pass without doing all the things …

Seasons of Writing: Lessons from the Farm

As Solomon wrote in Ecclesiastes, “To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven.” (Ecc. 3:1 NKJV) As I’ve grown older, I’ve seen the truth of that in so many areas of life. Lately, I’ve been pondering my own seasons of writing: where I’ve been as an author, where I am …