Fiction Friday | How Not to be Popular by Cecily Anne Patterson

How Not to be Popular by Cecily Patterson is a fun middle grade morality story that's all about doing the right thing, even when it's hard. Maddie is in her final year at Kangaroo Valley School. That means the chance to be voted Girl Leader of the school at the end of the year—something she's …

A Lesser Cause

I’ve always been involved in fundraising and charity work. My parents taught me that if you come across someone embarking upon a righteous cause, you should help them. Their influence and example means I have always looked for righteous charity projects I can contribute to. From huge fundraising events for cancer research to heading school …

Book Review | Calm, Cool and Connected by Arlene Pellicane

Calm, Cool and Connected is a short book that aims to encourage readers to rethink and reform their social media habits so that we're not distracted by technology to the point we're living only half a life. The book is structured around five habits: H = Hold down the off button A = Always put …

Tuesday Book Chat | Do you read more or less Christian fiction than five years ago?

Welcome to the Australasian Christian Writers Tuesday Book Chat, where we encourage book lovers to answer our bookish question of the week. Today’s question is: Do you read more or less Christian fiction than five years ago? We look forward to hearing your thoughts. Please join in the conversation in a comment on this post …

Devotional: Prepared and Protected by Keona J Tann

I’m in a strange season. It’s one that I’ve often found confusing and confronting. It’s confusing because its not at all how I planned life to go. I didn’t look at my diary in May 2014 and say: ‘ok I’m going to bed for 28 months, I’m not going to work for the next 4+ …

#FictionFriday – A Tuscan Legacy plus bonus novella + #giveaway

For Fiction Friday I'm excited to share with you A TUSCAN LEGACY boxed set. The 9 original stories plus the brand new Book 10 novella -- INNAMORATA by Autumn Macarthur -- packaged together for 99c at Amazon Kindle. I'm also giving away a Gift Card to a reader who comments on this post (see giveaway …

ANZAC Day | Lest We Forget

Today is ANZAC Day. All around Australia and New Zealand, children and adults will be awake, showered and dressed long before dawn. They'll drive across town in the dark, hoping to beat the crowds and find a space in the car park at the Returned Services League (Australia) or Returned Services Association (New Zealand). They're …

Ways Authors Can Bless A Reader

I originally posted this about five years ago and have updated it. I wanted to mention ways authors can bless a reader. This if the flip side of my post 2 weeks ago. I am sharing from my personal experience. Fan letters The first fan letter I wrote to an author was Gilbert Morris. It …

Tuesday Book Chat | Do you prefer standalone novels, or a series?

Welcome to the Australasian Christian Writers Tuesday Book Chat, where we encourage book lovers to answer our bookish question of the week. Today’s question is: Do you prefer standalone novels, or a series? We look forward to hearing your thoughts. Please join in the conversation in a comment on this post or in a comment …

Lame Excuses. You won’t get far carrying that bed.

If you want to see your calling fulfilled, you have to stop with the lame excuses. Trust me, you won’t get far carrying that bed. The mattress is cumbersome and awkward, full of all the lame excuses you’ve justified to yourself and to God over the years. I know all about lame excuses because that …