Paths to Publishing: Small Presses

Last week I talked about traditional publishing, focusing on large publishers. This week I'm looking at another area of traditional publishing: the small press. Small presses and micropresses follow the same business principles as the major traditional publishers. Small presses take on the full financial responsibility for publishing and distributing the book, although you're less …

Author Interview | Lays Halawe

This interview is part of a series, introducing the members of Australisian Christian Writers, to give you the opportunity to get to know us a little better. Today we're interviewing Lays Halawe. Welcome, Lays! Fast Five Long black or flat white? Long black. Why ruin a good coffee with milk? Mangoes or kiwifruit? Mangoes. Cricket …

Tuesday Book Chat | Should Christians read fiction? Why … or why not?

Welcome to the Australasian Christian Writers Tuesday Book Chat, where we encourage book lovers to answer our bookish question of the week. Today's question is: Should Christians read fiction? Why ... or why not? We look forward to hearing your thoughts. Please join in the conversation in a comment on this post or in a …

January 2019 Recent Releases

Gift Card Winner Paula Vince is the winner of the $10 US  (or $15 AUD) gift card (see Narelle's Launch Day post, 7th January). Congratulations Paula! To claim your prize, please complete the Contact Form with 'January Gift Card Winner' as the subject. Giveaway rules and prize information can be found here. Omega Writers Conference: 11-13 …

Author Interview | Keona Tann

This interview is part of a series, introducing the members of Australasian Christian Writers, to give you the opportunity to get to know us a little better. Today we’re interviewing Keona Tann. Welcome, Keona! Fast Five Long black or flat white? Chai latte please. Kiwis or koalas? Koalas Cricket or rugby? Cricket Books or TV? …

Paths to Publishing | Trade Publishing

By Iola Goulton @iolagoulton The New Year is traditionally the time when we make resolutions about what we are going to achieve in the coming year. Lose weight. Exercise more. Read the Bible and pray more. Read more books. It's also when Australasian Christian Writers have chosen to launch our new website ... but it's …

Author Interview | Iola Goulton

This interview is part of a series, introducing the members of Australasian Christian Writers, to give you the opportunity to get to know us a little better. Today we're interviewing Iola Goulton. Welcome, Iola! Fast Five Long black or flat white? Capuccino. Sorry. I don't like black coffee but I also don't like milk. Kiwis …

Tuesday Book Chat | Are you doing a reading challenge in 2019?

From Iola Goulton @iolagoulton It's Iola here. Welcome to the Australasian Christian Writers Tuesday Book Chat where we encourage book lovers to answer our bookish question of the week. Today's question is: Are you doing a reading challenge in 2019? If so, which challenge? How many books are you aiming to read? We look forward …

Welcome to our new website! Plus #Giveaway

By Narelle Atkins @NarelleAtkins We're excited to welcome you to our new blog home. Today is the official launch of the revamped Australasian Christian Writers group blog. Many thanks to Iola Goulton for the hours of work she has put in to create our new site. What's New? A fresh new look and layout that's …

Omega Writers Statement of Belief

To join Omega Writers, you must first acknowledge the following Statement of Belief (the Nicene Creed). We believe in one God,the Father, the Almighty,maker of heaven and earth,of all that is, seen and unseen. We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ,the only son of God,eternally begotten of the Father,God from God, Light from Light,true God …