Stop The Joy Thief Of Writing

Today we feature a guest post from Anna Kosmanovski on comparison: how writers (even Christian writers) can get pulled into the comparison trap (and what we should do instead). Welcome, Anna! Comparison has become something of a sport in the modern world, thanks to social media - and writers are not immune from this affliction. …

Tuesday Book Chat | What was the last book you’ve read that you’d recommend?

It's Iola here. Welcome to our Australasian Christian Writers Tuesday Book Chat, where we encourage book lovers to answer our bookish question of the week. Today's question is: What was the last book you've read that you'd recommend, and why? We look forward to hearing your thoughts. Please join in the conversation in a comment …

Exploring Genre: Slipstream

In this month's cross-post with Christian Writers Downunder, David Rawlings discusses slipstream, an ellusive mix of fantasy and literary fiction. As an author, I’ve always had issues trying to throw a genre rope around what it is I’m writing. As an author yourself, you know why it’s important—it’s nice to have an answer for the …

Fiction Friday | The Baggage Handler by David Rawlings

In a similar vein to The Traveler’s Gift by Andy Andrews or Dinner with a Perfect Stranger by David Gregory, The Baggage Handler is a contemporary story that explores one question: What baggage are you carrying? About The Baggage Handler When three people take the wrong suitcase from baggage claim, their lives change forever. A …

#ThrowbackThursday | 9 #TwitterTips for Authors

Twitter is for twits. That was my first impression, and my second wasn’t much better: that Twitter is like a gaggle of teenage girls with everyone talking and no one listening. But I’ve persevered, and Twitter is now my second most influential social media network, after Facebook. And I’ve got to the point where it …

Sheilas and Blokes and the Forgotten Romantic Hero

I posted this article two years ago, but I was only thinking about the concept a couple of days ago while watching television. It struck me that often in commercials, the female character is depicted as calm, capable and usually in control. In contrast, the male character is often depicted as incompetent, stupid or at …

Tuesday Book Chat | How out of control is your to-read pile?

Welcome to the Australasian Christian Writers Tuesday Book Chat, where we encourage book lovers to answer our bookish question of the week. Today’s question is: How out of control is your to-read pile? We look forward to hearing your thoughts. Please join in the conversation in a comment on this post or in a comment …

Wilderness Moments

Have you ever felt like you’ve been left out, looked over, undervalued or just plain ignored? Me too. But, it’s in those moments when you feel like you're lost in the back end of the wilderness, that God sees you. The struggle comes when you don’t know if your talents and gifts are enough. Or, …

Fiction Friday | Author Interview with Carolyn Miller and Giveaway

Today we welcome Carolyn Miller for Fiction Friday. Carolyn has also offered a giveaway of one of her books. Thank you Carolyn for visiting with us today. 1. Can you tell us a little about yourself? Hi! I’m a mum of four (3 teenagers and a ten-year-old!), wife to one, author of inspirational historical fiction …

What You Can Learn from Judging a Writing Contest

I’ve judged several writing contests over the last five years, including full published novels, short (5,000 words) and shorter (five page) introductions to unpublished manuscripts, and short stories (1800 words). I've judged for Romance Writers of New Zealand, American Christian Fiction Writers, and Omega Writers. And, yes, I'm organising the CALEB Award for Omega Writers …