Writer’s Life | A Sense of Possibility

As I write, I’ve just completed a Post Graduate Certificate in Teaching Creative Writing. I used to be an  English teacher and I know how to teach creative writing, but in this course, I focused on my work as a writing mentor. The last few years have seen me develop workshops for beginning writers who …

Writers Life | Just Keep Writing

Just keep swimming.  Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming. What do we do? We swim, swim.  Dory, from Finding Nemo Lately, I’ve found it hard to write. I think about the novels I have in progress and struggle to actually get to my desk and work on them. There’s been a lot going on in our family–a …

Writing the next story: how to choose the right characters

Does anything satisfy more than writing “The End”?  In my case, it’s writing “Finis” for my Roman-era stories. It’s time for a celebratory cup of tea, a special dinner, a relaxing stroll…and planning the next story. How do we know what that next story should be? The characters, the setting, the plot, the theme…how do …

Marketing 101 | What is a Reader Magnet?

This question gets asked a lot in the author forums I am part of. I thought it was worth giving an in-depth answer here. A reader magnet is a freebie that an author gives away in exchange for a reader’s email address. You might also hear it referred to as a ‘lead magnet’, which is …

How to Design Covers Both Men and Women Love

For a man to check out a book online or in a store, the cover must hold the promise of a story men would enjoy. Historical novels where romance isn’t the most important plot focus are often enjoyed by both men and women. So, how can our choice of cover let men know our story …

Writing Historical Fiction That Readers Will Love

Historical fiction lovers are also lovers of history. Every time we write a novel, we’re creating a special place for our readers to visit. We build a world for our characters to live in. The details of that world are up to us, but whatever we create, it must be believable. Even fantasy and sci-fi …

Writers Life | The Words Keep Coming

Post-Covid apathy is real. For some, it leads to the Great Resignation, burnout, languishing, indifference, or the Great Whatever. Whatever it is, I seem to have it, and so do many other creative people I know and work with. In 2020, as the world locked down, I decided to use the time of seclusion as …

Writing a Spiritual Arc That Feels Real

One thing that distinguishes Christian fiction from general market is the role of faith in our characters’ lives and the realistic spiritual arcs in their story. Some know what they believe and why, and they try to live accordingly. Others were raised in Christian homes so they’ve heard the Gospel. They might call themselves Christians, …

Writers Life | Seven ways to encourage an author to write more books

I never used to sign up for anything. I was a scrooge when it came to subscribing and downright anti-social on social media. Why would a ‘successful’ creative care what lil old me had to say to them? I thought. It wasn’t until I became an author I understood just how misguided that attitude was. …

Writers Life | Three Simple Tips When Starting Out

It’s taken a tragedy in my life to finally encourage me to share my writing publicly. I have always loved words but my musings on paper have always remained within the covers of my journals. Then my life was turned completely upside down and my words on paper took on deeper significance. My husband passed …